

KIBANA . A very free dashboard tool from ELASTIC

First thing first 
Installation of KIBANA

As we installed elastic on our Oracle VM . lets follow few setps and install kibana a dashboarding tool which is absolutely free from elastic team . 

Kibana can talk to elastic and indexes we create ( which we will cover in detail ) and we can come up with BEAutiful dashboards , visualizations to analyze our data graphically with many inbuild features out of the box ( no coding needed ) and within a hour or so your dashboard is ready .

Considering our elasticsearch installation is ready and repositories are already set , its more of few commands  and kibana gets installed .

Let's START !!

sudo apt-get install kibana

sudo /bin/systemctl daemon-reload

sudo /bin/systemctl enable kibana.service

sudo /bin/systemctl start kibana.service

Kibana runs on port 5601 

So lets fireup Kibana in your fvrt browser .

What we can do with Kibana ??, Some dashboards i have created recently 
We will be doing it step by step later