

Single source..Multiple files

Single source Multiple Targets
As we seen in first example of loading multiple files in single target , exactly opposite scenario is also very common as we need to split data as per  region , department , financial product for better analysis and forecasting .
Informatica don’t provide anything special here but we can tweak some transformations to make it work .
Mainly we need to know on what fields we need to split data and we have to sort data on it .
We will be using  following some transformations
·         Sorter Transformation            : to sort data to get correct set of records
·         Expression  Transformation   :  to set flag to understand change in group.
·         TransactionControl Transformation : switching between commit and continue .

Note : for file target whenever we fire commit Informatica generates  file with all records we have till commit point.
Here we are going to use same table as source which we loaded in previous example using multiple files.

We will split data as per city , so City field is our key to split data.So in sorter we will use CITY as key for sorting . below is mapping .
Some important variables and expressions we have to set.